The Shalom Report

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Linda Carranza Linda Carranza

Festival of Darkness + Lehrhaus Boston

Our Hanukkah narrative typically focuses only on the post-solstice period, the Festival of Lights. What about the pre-solstice period, the Festival of Darkness?

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Linda Carranza Linda Carranza

The times are urgent, let’s slow down.

“There is a strong current that asserts that social justice urgency requires the speediest of responses,” writes Rabbi Nate, as he considers what it means to disrupt that current.

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Linda Carranza Linda Carranza

Mottos for the Future

R’ Arthur reflects on the role of “Prophetic Envoy”, and the mottos newly guiding him in “speaking to the best of how I can hear the Spirit, as close as I can get my ears and heart and soul to hear its music.”

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Linda Carranza Linda Carranza

Some Guardrails Hold

Robert Kuttner of The American Prospect writes, “More Trump screwball nominations are going down, and he belatedly agrees to let the FBI vet nominees—meaning that still more will fall.”

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Linda Carranza Linda Carranza

Resist: How To Keep ‘It’ From Happening Here

Barton Kunstler, Ph.D., raises the question, “What constitutes effective political action that works without our toppling into chaos?” The answer is a multi-prong list of suggested actions that all fall under the heading, “Resistance is just another word for constructive policy”.

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Linda Carranza Linda Carranza

Heartbreak and Beyond

We may well face a new attempt by power-holders to smash much of what we have created. How do we prevent this?

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Linda Carranza Linda Carranza

Election Day

Two weeks ago tonight we hosted The Great “Save-In,” our Hoshanah Rabbah actifest that marked Reb Arthur’s transition to Prophetic Envoy and mine to Director, as well as the world at a crossroads. And while there were a variety of crossroads we had in mind in planning that event, it was the national election that was most present in our thinking. Well, here we are. Two weeks later. Election day.

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Linda Carranza Linda Carranza

What Will You Do?

R’ Arthur shares an excerpt of a recent thought-provoking piece by Rick Perlstein, columnist for The American Prospect.

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Linda Carranza Linda Carranza

Rabbi Nate DeGroot’s Remarks at “The Great “Save-In”

Rabbi Nate's remarks at The Great "Save-In," telling the story about his journey to becoming Director, articulating The Shalom Center's shared vision for the next chapter, and expressing his well wishes and appreciation for Arthur, as he passed the lulav to Nate and became our Prophetic Envoy, a title he has already embodied so meaningfully for many decades.

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Linda Carranza Linda Carranza

The Great "Save-In" - TONIGHT

Please join us tonight, as we traverse the cosmic crossroads of this moment, tending to our hearts and caring for our spirits.

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Linda Carranza Linda Carranza

Arthur’s final days as Director of The Shalom Center

This Hoshanah Rabbah, October 22nd, in-person in Philadelphia or online via Zoom, come celebrate Arthur’s 91st birthday. Honor his legacy. Be present for his final moments as Director of The Shalom Center, 41 years after founding the organization, as he passes the lulav of leadership to Rabbi Nate DeGroot and the next generation.

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Linda Carranza Linda Carranza

Mourning Together, Making Salaam/Shalom Together

Our suggestion for Yom Kippur: A blessing brought together by Rabbi Toba Spitzer, the spiritual leader of Congregation Dorshei Tzedek in Masssachsetts and a former president of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association.

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Linda Carranza Linda Carranza

Share Sukkot: Green and Grow the Vote

Forget waiting for something or someone else to save us, we know that sometimes we need to take our saving into our own hands. We are not free to desist.

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