The Festival of (Voting) Booths

We must save ourselves.

On October 22nd, The Shalom Center is hosting a Hoshanah Rabbah actifest in Philadelphia called The Great “Save-In.”

Held two weeks before the election, the actifest will focus on themes of “saving” related to the holiday, starting with an awareness that we must save ourselves.

We know we can’t rely on external or supernatural forces to save us. Rather, we need to get going, get organized, and “just do something!” That starts now!

Get Out the Vote - PA

That’s why we are partnering with RAC-PA and OnePA 4 All to Get Out the Vote (GOTV) in Pennsylvania between now and election night through phonebanking and postcard writing.

Because we know that one key way we save ourselves is to ensure as many people as possible vote in this election. And we also know that Pennsylvania - home to The Shalom Center and its founder, Rabbi Arthur Waskow - is a massively important swing state that may just swing the election. So we’re inviting you - wherever you may be located - to jump on board the GOTV-PA train, as we celebrate the Festival of (Voting) Booths!

Get Involved!


Make calls to voters who are overlooked by the major political parties with encouragement and a reminder to vote. This is a nonpartisan effort organized by RAC-PA and OnePA 4 All that we hope you will join!

All phonebanking is facilitated through RAC-PA’s Zoom, and all you need is a phone and a computer (desktop or laptop).

Check out dates for phonebanking and sign-up to participate below:

Postcard Writing

Send postcards to registered voters in PA - Black, Brown and working class people in OnePA 4 All’s base who have low voter participation.

Order a stack for yourself, or order a bunch and host a postcard writing party with 5 or 100 of your closest friends, synagogue members, etc.

Help RAC-PA send 18,000 postcards! They’ll provide instructions. You provide the stamps.

Order your postcards below:

Every Voice, Every Vote

The Shalom Center’s GOTV-PA efforts are in support of RAC-PA’s Every Voice, Every Vote campaign, whose goal is to strengthen our democracy in Pennsylvania by ensuring the largest possible voter turnout, especially in underrepresented communities. Inspired by their history as Reform Jews in America, they are committed to working together in a non-partisan, multiracial, multiethnic coalition to reject hopelessness, restore faith, and strengthen voices.

RAC-PA’s primary partner in this campaign is OnePA 4 All, who RAC-PA has worked with since 2020. OnePA 4 All is a base building organization led by community members, creating a powerful voice for racial, economic and social justice in Pennsylvania. They do deep and wide scale voter education and voter turnout in Black communities across Pennsylvania to challenge political disillusionment, protect and expand democracy, and unite everyday people to have a voice in our political system.