Torah Commentators and the Onslaught Against Women
By Rabbi Arthur Waskow
“Ikar, Farmer,” looking up from his work on the Second Creation Story, spoke up: “It’s not me saying women must serve men! For instance, that story where God carved Woman out of my rib – that was ‘tzela’ in Hebrew, and it means ‘side.’
“I admit the story says the male came first, but a ‘side’ of the male is hugely more dignified than a rib. I think it means just another aspect of the human.
“Then there’s that story of Snake and the Girl-Becoming-Woman. I heard their conversation, and it’s much more important than the Torah commentators let on. I remember it so clearly – here’s how it went:”
Snake speaking: “First the Torah says that the Man and Girl-Woman were both “arum” (naked), and were not ashamed. Stupid comment! – Why should they be ashamed?
“Then in the very next verse it says “The Snake was the most arum (naked) of the beasts of the field.” Only every single commentator and translator renders this ‘arum’ as clever, or wily, or shrewd – as If Snake had evil intentions and was tricking the Girl-Woman. But that’s not right!
“I (Snake) am very proud of being the most naked of all animals because I shed my skin. Can’t get any nakeder than that!
“And that was crucial in talking to the Girl. I (Snake) said, ‘I shed my skin, and I don’t die! I get fuller, wiser. It’s just you who grew from a more transformable ‘side’ of Man. The Man does not have that transformative power to shed his skin. You do.’
“You will shed your skin. Not just once, every moonth or so. When you shed, you’ll lose a lot of blood. The first time or two, it may be very scary. You might even think you are dying. But you are not! It’s perfectly normal for women, and you are just growing into a Woman when you shed your skin.
“So the Girl-Woman has her first skin-shedding and, feeling transformed, ate from the Forbidden Tree. She did not die, though YHWH was wrathful. YHWH, the InterBreathing ONE, explained that there must be limits to eating lest Humankind consume too much of Mother Earth, and then indeed Humankind might die.
“But that’s another problem. Called ‘Freedom.’ I see that I better start working on it,” said YHWH, breathing hard.”
With blessings that Love pervade your story-telling,
Copyright © 2025 by Arthur Waskow. I hope to use this in a book. For that reason, do not share without written permission.