Reporting Your Thoughts about Presidential Candidates

by Rabbi Arthur Waskow


Dear companions,

Here is the list of wished-for presidential candidates suggested by some of our readers. Gives a flavor of our folks — a mixture of practical progressives, wistful transformative progressives, a few out-there figures. Thanks to all who took the trouble to think about this very troubled moment in US history and then to respond or instead to wait for a few more days of history. May the next few months mark as thoughtful a body politick!

Blessings of shalom,

Candidates and vote tally

Top candidates
Kamala Harris – 15
Bernie Sanders – 7
Pete Buttigieg – 6
Joe Biden – 5
Gretchen Whitmer – 5
4 votes each:
Liz Cheney 
Michelle Obama 
Jill Stein 
Cornel West 
Marianne Williamson 
3 votes each:
Cory Booker 
Gavin Newsom 
Elizabeth Warren 
2 votes each:
Hillary Clinton 
Heather Cox Richardson 
Mark Kelly 
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 
Jamie Raskin 
Mitt Romney 
1 vote each: 
Melina Abdullah 
Stacey Abrams 
Michael Bennet
Michael Bloomberg 
Sherrod Brown 
Shawn Fein 
Chris Hedges 
Asa Hutchinson 
Jay Inslee 
Hakeem Jeffries 
Bobby Kennedy 
Robert Kennedy, Jr. 
Amy Klobuchar 
Mitch Landrieu 
Barbara Lee 
Rachel Maddow 
Bill McKibben 
Barack Obama 
Deval Patrick 
Kermit Roosevelt III 
Josh Shapiro 
Jon Stewart 
Arthur Waskow 
Christine Whitman 
ANY qualified woman of color 
ANY qualified woman, including trans woman 


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