Reb Arthur approaching 90, a seminal interview

by Rabbi Nate DeGroot

Dear friends,

As we reflect on our own lives during these 10 days of teshuvah (return and recentering), I'm thrilled to share with you this seminal interview of Arthur, conducted by renowned scholar and rabbi, Shaul Magid, and published in Ayin Press.

In it, Arthur reflects on his life, the evolution of movements for faith and justice, and where he sees this all going. From the Freedom Seder, to Interbreathing, to what tomorrow may bring, this is the longest-form written interview he's ever done, and it really is an ode to his work, his life, and his wisdom on this, the precipice of his 90th birthday. I hope you'll give it a read and share it with anyone you think might be interested and moved by what's included.

In this new year, may we all merit to drop our own small seed crystals into the supersaturated solutions of the now (to use Arthur's metaphor). Thank you for all of your support in 5783 and we can't wait to see what 5784 will bring.

G’mar chatimah tovah, may we all be sealed for good!

Rabbi Nate DeGroot
Associate Director, The Shalom Center

PS - If you haven't already spread the word about FortyFest, or saved the date on your calendar, now is a great time to do that, too! :).


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