Pursuing Justice Even When It's Running Away: Stop Gaetz
Dear companions in the ongoing struggle to work toward justice —
Torah urges us to be especially careful to “Justice, justice, shall you pursue” — “even or especially when it seems to be running away from you,” added the Rabbis.
We have that opportunity right now. “Justice” in Mr. Trump’s hands is running away from us like a headless chicken he has maimed. BUT we can pursue it and heal it if we act now, way before January 20.
First of all, Mr.Trump has named Matt Gaetz of Florida to be the next Attorney General. He instantly resigned from Congress in hopes of preventing the House Ethics Committee from releasing a damning report of his nefarious behavior — sexual and otherwise. You can call your Representative at 202-224-3121, ask for your Congressmember, and when you reach their office, ask for the staffer who deals with ethical and justice issues. Ask the staffer to persuade the Member to make a strong call to release the report.
Then call the same number — twice. Each time, ask for one of your two Senators. Ask each one to take the swiftest possible action to help confirm President Biden’s judicial appointments already sent to the Senate and make additional appointments as quickly as possible.
Also ask each Senator to announce publicly that they will strongly oppose confirmation of Mr. Gaetz. Do this no matter what political party your Senators belong to. Many Republican Senators have already said they are uncomfortable with the Gaetz nomination. Enough phone calls from home might convince them to bravely flourish their independence.
Please also send this letter to your friends and colleagues.
With blessings of courage and inner serenity to all of you who begin now retaking your spiritual and citizenly resilience — Arthur
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