Pre-Tisha B'Av Virtual Lobby Day for Climate Solutions with Jewish Earth Alliance

Take Action for People and Planet for Tisha B’av

August 8, 2024

Dear companions,

As Tisha B’av approaches, The Shalom Center is once again teaming up with Jewish Earth Alliance for Pre-Tisha B’av Virtual Lobby Day on August 8.

Although we still mourn the destruction of the Temple on Tisha B’av, we know that this tragic day was the beginning of a transformation that enabled our people to survive and thrive. From the ashes of the Temple, Jews built a new center of Judaism in Yavneh. Their innovations became the rabbinic Judaism that we practice today.

As we approach this Tisha B’av, join us to let Congress know that we demand transformative climate solutions to build a just and safe future. Join with other members of your community and a powerful national network to meet with your Senators. Jewish Earth Alliance is organizing the meetings and will provide you with everything you need to participate. It’s easy and effective!

Register now at

Meeting with your US Senators or their staff is the most powerful way to impact our government to take the big steps we need to protect people and Earth.

This session of Congress is critically important. We need Congress to:

  • Pass climate solutions in the Farm Bill

  • Protect critical regulations designed to clean up the atmosphere and slow down climate change

  • Fund state plans to help wildlife threatened by climate change and preserve the cycle of life

  • And more!

It is easy to lobby with Jewish Earth Alliance. You will participate in a half hour appointment on Zoom with other Jews from your state, led by a volunteer who has experience lobbying. You will be provided with talking points and training.

Please join us by registering now for the Pre-Tisha B'av Virtual Lobby Day. Please note that the Lobby Day takes place before Tisha B’av.

On Tisha B'av Jews mourn many disasters, but we also celebrate our people's rebirth and transformation. Let's make this Tisha B'av a turning point on the path to a safe and healthy future for all people.


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