New website for The Shalom Center’s next chapter!

On Thursday night, May 25th, Jews across the world will celebrate the big reveal of Torah at Mt. Sinai on Shavuot. That morning, The Shalom Center will be celebrating the big reveal of our new website and the official start of TSC 2.0, our next chapter!

2023 marks The Shalom Center’s 40th anniversary. Coinciding with this momentous occasion, we’ve adopted a new strategic vision, reframing the Jewish festival cycle into a catalyst for national public prophetic action. As part of that vision, we are preparing a succession plan for Rabbi Waskow — now 89 ½ and ready to formally and intentionally support the next generation of The Shalom Center, which we’re calling TSC 2.0. To accomplish all of this, we are leveling up organizationally. We have invested in new member database tools, expanded our Board, established an Advisory Council, and built a new website.
TSC 2.0 aims to be relevant and inspiring for years to come and the first step in publicly launching this next chapter begins with sharing that new website with all of you!

On May 25th at 12pm EDT/9am PDT, please visit to poke around and get to know TSC 2.0! And in case you forget, we’ll be teasing the new site on our social media over the next few weeks and sending a couple email reminders, including on the morning the site launches.

To stay up to date and get a sneak peek at some of the fresh new style and content, like us on Facebook here and follow us on Instagram here.

Between now and Shavuot, we Jews will be counting up towards revelation. It is our hope and prayer that TSC 2.0 will add to the Torah of our world, helping to open deeply needed portals for world-building, aligned with values of wholeness and abundance and rooted in a new-old kind of holy Jewish activism and sacred justice.

We can’t wait to stand at Sinai with you this year and for years to come as we collectively build towards the Promised Land. See you there!


New Website Launches One Week From Today


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