Major Win in Extreme Heat Protections for Workers

The Shalom Center believes it is important that a wide spectrum of ideas are available to the Jewish and allied communities in the ferment of present debate and discussion on the future of Judaism and the Jewish people. That is likely to include ideas that do not accord with those held by The Shalom Center as a body. "Prophetic Voices" will be the platform for presenting a spectrum of such ideas to the world. The forum will be edited by Rabbi Arthur Waskow with this goal in mind. Calls for specific actions with a date, place, etc., will be published only if the Call fits into The Shalom Center policy about such actions.


Last week, in a victory for a coalition of labor and environmental justice groups including Sunrise Movement, the United States Department of Labor proposed a new rule which would require that employers take a number or actions to protect workers from the dangers of excessive heat — such as ensuring access to water, cooling areas, and breaks when temperatures reach dangerous levels.

No one should die on the job because they weren’t given a water break. But unfortunately, as climate change gets worse, millions of farm, construction, delivery, and food service workers face increasing risk of death or injury as a result of extreme heat.

These new rules are a critical step towards providing everyone a safe home and workplace in the face of climate disaster.

— Sunrise Movement

In a press statement announcing the proposed rule, Doug Parker, assistant secretary for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), noted, “Workers all over the country are passing out, suffering heat stroke and dying from heat exposure from just doing their jobs, and something must be done to protect them.”

Advocacy towards such heat protections is part of Sunrise Movement's Climate Emergency Campaign. You can read more about the campaign, and sign a petition calling on the President to declare a climate emergency, at


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