Join me in Atlanta?

by Rabbi Nate DeGroot

Dear friends,

By now you’ve heard about what’s happening in Atlanta, where the city is trying to raze a forest to build a militarized police training facility, and in the process have killed a forest defender. My previous letters on this can be found here and here.

As The Shalom Center, we have been in touch with one of the Jewish forest defenders in Atlanta, a rabbi on the ground who has been engaged with organizers there, and a group of interfaith clergy in Atlanta who are actively figuring out what kind of support people of faith from around the country can offer and what kind of action we all can take.

Mass Mobilization: Join me in Atlanta
Forest Defenders are calling for a week of mobilization, starting this Saturday. They are asking for people from all over to come to Atlanta to show our support and solidarity with the groups trying to stop Cop City. I will be on the ground in Atlanta Sunday and Monday March 5th and 6th representing The Shalom Center. Will you join me?

I'm glad to make myself available to any of you who are interested in coming to Atlanta, to support you with logistics, coordinating, getting your questions answered, etc. If I can help at all, please send me an email at If you happen to be there next Friday, March 10th, I’d also encourage you to check out a Shabbat potluck and service in the forest with our friend, Rabbi Mike Rothbaum. If you want to learn more about the mobilization, check out the FAQ page here.

For Faith Leaders: Letters and Press Conference
For all of the faith leaders out there, we have two additional invitations. Interfaith clergy on the ground are asking for faith leaders who are coming to Atlanta to be present for an interfaith press conference on Monday the 6th. The same clergy are also asking faith leaders from across the country to sign a letter that they drafted, in support of the Forest Defenders. If you are a faith leader and you support what is written and/or plan to attend the press conference in person, please sign the letter and indicate you’re coming. If you’re connected to faith leaders, please pass these invitations on to them! The letter is here and the sign-on form is here.

In showing up, we hope to pray with our legs a prayer of wholeness, peace, justice, and life. Will you join me?

With blessings,

Rabbi Nate DeGroot
Associate Director, The Shalom Center


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