Giving Thanks for a Wellspring of Hopeful Action
Dear companions in the work to turn tears of grief into wellsprings of transformation, we suggest setting aside a time at your Thanksgiving table for prayer — perhaps this last paragraph of Mourners Kaddish, especially appropriate in these days in memory of the dead of both Abrahamic peoples, Perhaps follow the prayer with a heart-talk about what you can do, however small, to bring one step closer the time when the guns stop speaking and the people start.
May the One Who makes harmony in the ultimate reaches of the universe teach us to make shalom
within ourselves, among ourselves,
for all who aspire to be Godwrestlers [Yisrael],
for all the physical and spiritual descendants of Abraham’s son Ishmael [which means “God Hearkens”], and
for all beings who dwell upon this planet.
Oseh shalom bimromav
Hu yaaseh/ hi taaseh shalom alenu
v’al kol Yisrael
v’al kol Yishmael
V’al kol yoshvei tevel.