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Tisha B'Av Renewed for Temple Earth

To start with what is new yet ancient: The Shalom Center welcomes you to the sad obligation to mourn for the continuing destruction of our universal Temple Earth, just days before Tisha B’Av, and to bring active hope to protect and heal the universal Temple of all life on Earth.

We will gather by Zoom at 7:30pm Eastern on Sunday, July 23, to hear chants in English, created as a “Lament for Earth” by Moving Tradition’s Rabbi Tamara Cohen, newly honored by the Covenant Foundation for her innovative work in Jewish education; suggestions for action to protect Temple Earth by The Shalom Center’s Rabbi Arthur Waskow; reflections on the unique role Jews have in showing up for climate justice by Jewish Youth Climate Movement’s Madeline Canfield; songs and teachings of hope and determination by Interfaith Power & Light (DC.MD.NoVA)’s Joelle Novey; and a call for specific pre-Tisha B’Av actions by Jewish Earth Alliance’s Dr. Mirele Goldsmith. A complete list of organizational co-sponsors and full speaker biographies can be found below the registration form at the bottom of this page.

There will be a small contribution for this webinar to support The Shalom Center‘s work to protect and heal our wounded Temple Earth. The webinar will be recorded and all registrants will receive a link to the recording. If you can’t make the live time, please register now and watch when you can. By registering for this event, you agree to receive future communications from the co-sponsoring organizations related to this and future programs.

Register for the webinar here:

With gratitude to our co-sponsors:

Adamah,, Colorado Jewish Climate Action, Interfaith Power & Light - DMV, JCAN - NYC, Jewish Earth Alliance, Jewish Youth Climate Movement, Kohenet, Moving Traditions,, and The RAC.

Featured Speakers:

Rabbi Tamara Cohen is the Chief Program Officer at Moving Traditions, a national organization whose mission is to embolden Jewish to youth thrive through pursuit of shleimut/wholeness, hesed/caring connection and Tzedek/a Jewish and feminist vision of justice. Tamara is one of this year’s Covenant Award recipients for excellence, creativity and innovation in Jewish education. She wrote “Eicha for Earth,“ a Tisha B’Av lament, when she was the Barbara Bick intern at The Shalom Center.

Madeline Canfield, Jewish Youth Climate Movement’s Organizing Coordinator, joined Adamah after organizing with the Sunrise Movement, Houston Youth Climate Strike, the Youth Working Group for the City of Houston Climate Action Plan, and Zero Hour. She is currently an undergraduate at Brown University.

Dr. Mirele Goldsmith, Ph. D., is an environmental psychologist and activist. As co-chairperson of Jewish Earth Alliance she is dedicated to making it easy for Jews to raise a moral voice for climate solutions to the US Congress and Administration.

Joelle Novey is the director of Interfaith Power & Light (DC.MD.NoVA), which works with hundreds of congregations of many traditions across Maryland, DC, and Northern Virginia to respond to climate change, speaks widely about the role of religious communities in the climate movement, and serves on the advisory board of Dayenu: A Jewish Call to Climate Action. Joelle lives with her family in South Silver Spring, and attends Minyan Segulah.

Rabbi Arthur Waskow is founder/ director of The Shalom Center; author of the Freedom Seder, Seasons of Our Joy, Dancing in God's Earthquake, and 25 other books; pioneer in shaping theology, liturgy, daily practice, and political action for Eco-Judaism; and arrestee in 27 protests against racism, wars, inaction in the face of the existential climate crisis, and other forms of eco/ social injustice.

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