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R’ Abraham Joshua Heschel’s 50th Yahrtzeit

*Please note: Though the live events have passed, this page allows you to register for access to full videos of the 3-webinar series*

In early 2023, we at The Shalom Center, we good friends of Dr. Susannah Heschel of Dartmouth University, and we throughout the world celebrated a moment of joyful learning that is half a century old and rooted in a grievous loss: the 50th yohrzeit of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel.

Our series of three webinars, on three consecutive Wednesday evenings, brought his teachings to the eyes and ears, the hearts and minds, the legs and souls, of Americans facing arrogant neo-fascists and modern pharaohs who are burning Earth for the sake of cash.

On January 18, Dr. Cornel West; Rabbi Susan Talve of Central Reform Congregation in St Louis, whose whole congregational stance has been anti-racist since their founding; and Koach Frazier, a creative activist who is a Black senior-year rabbinical student at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, addressed the meaning of Rabbi Heschel’s teachings on racism.

On January 25, Bill McKibben, Jacqui Patterson, and Rabbi Arthur Waskow discussed how Rabbi Heschel’s teachings speak to the present climate crisis, 50 years after his death.

On February 1, the program addressed Rabbi Heschel’s influence and impact throughout the world. It included Professors Martin Chung of Hong Kong; Dror Bondi of Israel, and Rabbi Arik Ascherman of Israel. All have written about what they have learned from Rabbi Heschel’s work and shared his wisdom with students, the book-reading public, and activists.

*One registration provides access to ALL THREE Heschel yohrzeit webinar videos.*

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