Remarkable Jews(2021-Present)
The Shalom Center has curated an online speaker series, uplifting the life’s work of “Remarkable Jews,” individuals who have made an extraordinary difference in the course of American Judaism. For each session, these remarkable Jews have been interviewed by other remarkable Jews, drawing out insight and wisdom relevant for today.
The series began in December of 2021, with Prof. Susannah Heschel of Dartmouth University speaking on her father, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel’s, legacy in an interview with Rabbi Waskow. In February of 2022, Rabbi David Saperstein, for 40 years director of “the RAC” — Reform Judaism’s Washington lobby for social justice - was interviewed by his wife, Ellen Weiss - a remarkable journalist. And in March of 2022, Rabbi Ellen Bernstein, a biology teacher, wilderness river guide, author, and founder of Shomrei Adamah, was interviewed by renowned author, Rabbi Rami Shapiro.
The video recordings of these sessions are available to those who register at the links below. We look forward to continuing this series over time and invite you to attend future sessions.
Register below to watch the recordings:
Session 1 - Heschel on Heschel: Prof. Susannah Heschel with Rabbi Arthur Waskow
Session 2 - On Living at History's Crossroads: Rabbi David Saperstein with Ellen Weiss
Session 3 - From River Guide to Eco-Rabbi: Rabbi Ellen Bernstein with Rabbi Rami Shapiro